Thursday, November 8, 2012

My latest addiction....

I am very blessed to have such a laid back life. It's very chill and there is not much to do besides going to class and doing the occasional homework assignment. Unfortunately, that leaves me with a lot of free time in which I am doing hardly anything productive. Having so much free time has given me the chance to try new things, things that I would not normally do if I were busy.

This free time led me to the discovery of Minecraft. Minecraft is a simple game in which you have two basic game modes; survival and creative. In survival, the objective is to create a world, live in it, and survive in it. Survival in this world involves fighting off waves of zombies, spiders, and many other creatures. The player is also required to watch the health and hunger level of his or her player. Creative mode allows you to walk or fly around, creating and destroying stuff at free will. This mode does not let you go hungry and you are not allowed to fly around. 

Minecraft does not have the best graphics or the best design, but there is just something about it that draws players in from around the world. One of the enjoyable things that comes with Minecraft is having the ability to join in games with your friends, creating a huge world in which you have complete control. It is very easy to spend hours and hours on this mindless game. That being said, Minecraft has become my latest addiction! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day!

Today is a day that everyone is aware of. It's Election Day. The day where the people get together and decide who will run the country. Many voters take this very seriously and they do research about the candidates that are running for office. Sadly, most of the college aged students don't do this research. They simply follow in the footsteps of their parents. Eventually, they will need to form their own opinions and make their voice heard. Hopefully the next election will have more research put into it by college aged students.

Just breathe and keep calm

It's becoming that time of the year again. Every person that I encounter tells me all about their increasing stress level. As I hear them describe this to me, I can not help but realize that I have very little stress in my life when it comes to school work. I started to wonder why I don't have more stress during this time, and I came up with a list of possible reasons as to why I'm pretty stress free:

  • I keep caught up on my school work, rarely getting behind.
  • I take frequent study breaks to get my mind off of studies for a bit.
  • I found a hobby that I enjoy.
  • I hang out with friends and have a good time. Laughter is also good for stress relief.
  • I have a positive attitude. That is key.
These are just a few things that a student can try to relieve stress. I believe that the most important item on this list is the frequent study breaks. Too much studying can make you to become bored of the material, causing you to pay less attention to what you're trying to study. If you do these things, you're stress level should be reduced by a great amount!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

What is a joke?

This is the actual definition of a joke:

People say things all the time. They are always talking. They say serious things, but they can also say funny things. These funny things are called jokes. Joking helps lighten the mood. Joking provokes laughter, and laughter is scientifically proven to make a person healthier and happier, even when they don't want to be. When people get stressed or angry, they tend to not catch jokes. This is the time that you must recognize the situation and simply shut your mouth and not say anything. All in all, you must know the person and know how they'll handle a joke, before you say something that could seriously upset someone that you like.

5 most popular places to eat in Winfield, KS (According to me)

1. Taco Bell
2. Sonic
3. Subway
4. Wendy's
5. Pizza Hut

10 Things To Do In The Library Besides Homework Or Studying (According to me)

In no particular order:
  1. Twitter
  2. Facebook
  3. Check out movies
  4. Check out cds
  5. Create a blogspot
  6. Talk with friends
  7. Annoy the people working at the library
  8. Annoy others trying to study
  9. Text
  10. Skype

    Cheeseburger in Paradise

    When Johnny Cash started writing this song, I bet he didn't think it would become as popular as it did. Earlier this year, I made a trip to Kansas City, Mo, where I ate at a local restaurant, and can you guess what it was called?! Yup, Cheeseburger in Paradise. And this wasn't a small place where few families came to eat. The group that I went with had to wait about thirty minutes before we were led to our seats. When it came time to order, I decided to go with the double bacon cheeseburger, and i'm glad that I did. It was delicious. A side drink that everyone should try at this location should be the Root Beer Float. It was one of the best things to ever touch my lips! Everyone should make it a goal to eat here before they die or get old enough that they lose taste of what's good. It is located at 1705 Village West Pkwy, Kansas City, KS 66111 and their number is (913) 334-4500.
    They are open:
    Mon-Thu 11am-11pm
    Fri-Sat 11am-1am
    Sun 11am-10pm

    Below is a video of "Cheeseburger in Paradise" by Johnny Cash.

    My favorite verse from the Holy Bible

    Isaiah 40:31

    31 but those who hope in the LORD
       will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles;
       they will run and not grow weary,
       they will walk and not be faint.